Saturday, May 12, 2012


• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

You guessed it, more of The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War.

Even better though, the Nickelodeon raws for Scenes 14, 16, and 17 came today!! If you liked Nickelodeon [Red] than this probably goes without saying but, Dowman does not disappoint with these short stories either.
I'mma scan 'em as soon as I can, and then you know it's translating time! I should have the first one up tomorrow.



Title: Marinera 「マリネラ」
Artist: Dowman Sayman 「道漫晴明」
Published in: The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War 「最後の性本能と水爆戦」