For your own good and mine.

This blog may contain mature content aimed at adult audiences, which may or may not be considered offensive and/or controversial under certain definitions. All events, places, and characters portrayed are works of fiction. All characters depicted in sexual situations are aged 18 or over. Real life imitation of these works of fiction may constitute a serious felony in your area.

The creator(s), author(s), affiliate(s), and/or webmaster(s) of this site do not endorse or condone any of the behavior depicted in the works of fiction on this site. By accessing and viewing this weblog and/or website, you agree that you are doing so legally under the terms of the laws of your location of access, without malicious intent. By accessing and viewing this weblog and/or website and its content, you agree that you are taking full responsibility for accessing and viewing said content, as well as any possible consequences and/or implications that may arise from doing so, thereby releasing the creator(s), author(s), affiliate(s), and/or webmaster(s) of this weblog and/or website from any and all liabilities. The creator(s), author(s), affiliate(s), and/or webmaster(s) do not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any information on, or associated with, this weblog and/or website. You acknowledge that any reliance on material contained therein will be at your own risk.

All translations on this blog are no more than personal and unofficial interpretations, intended for discussion and comment on translation techniques only. However, If you are the legal owner of the original material and do not wish for my artistic interpretation of it to be referenced on this blog, please contact me at the e-mail address listed on the [CONTACT] page, supply the URLs related to the desired removal, and I will comply within 48 hours.