Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Preperation of a Feast + Aftermath of a Feast

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Mature, Sexual Content)

So, more Dowman. This one is from "The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War," the 3rd in a series of one-shot collections. This is actually two 4-page one shots, but they're sequential, so here's both.

The stories in Sexual Instinct generally seem to have less structure than Nickelodeon. Like the name suggests, there's usually sexual content in there as well. As always though, there is no shortage of bizarre characters or over-all craziness to be found.



Title: Preperation of a Feast, Aftermath of a Feast 「宴の仕度、宴の始末」
Artist: Dowman Sayman 「道漫晴明」
Published in: The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War 「最後の性本能と水爆戦」