Wednesday, December 26, 2012

[repack] Blade Play, volume 02

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Vol. 01: Here.

And that's it, Blade Play vol. 02, in its entirety.

Hope you had a good X-mas or whatever holiday or absence of holidays you may or may not observe!!

See you next year.


Blade Play, chp. 16

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

And merry day after X-mas!!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 14

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

My favorite demon in the whole series!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 13

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

...So annoying.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 11

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Wait, wait, wait, the world DIDN'T end!? This... I can't...How can thi-...
...I thought after the amazing track record we've had with end of the world predicitons and accuracy, it was in the bag this time.

Whatever. Another day, another blade play!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 10

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

It's a count down to the, uh, day after X-mas!!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Dragon Bride

• Link: [4dawgz]

The end of my and 4dawgz's Hroz run...for now.


Friday, December 14, 2012

First Time with a Succubus

• Link: [4dawgz]

If you've been enjoying these Hroz translations you should really stop by the 4dawgz site and say thanks for suggesting them for translation and for handling all the editing!!


With a Suntan Succubus

• Link: [4dawgz]

Succubus!? Must be that Hroz at it again!
Editing by 4dawgz!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oddman 11, chp. 08

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Brief Sexual Content)

Prev. chp:
Chp. 7
Chp. 6
Chp. 5
Chp. 4
Chp. 3
Chp. 1 + 2



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Paraiso Forty-Nine

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non-H)

More Para★iso.
 Somebody just give this man an anime already!!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Mai no Heya, vol. 03

• Link: [4dawgz]

The last volume of Mai no Heya! Those crazy Mais!
Editing by 4dawgz!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 09

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Whether you love it or whether you hate it, you can't disagree: This is Blade Play vol. 2, that's for sure.

If you missed vol. 1 it's here.

Also, I think I might have put a capcha on comments. Sorry for the extra step but comment spam has been pretty bad lately. (especially for a niche blog that no one really reads!!)


Sunday, November 25, 2012

[repack] 6 stories from: KAEDE

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Nothing new here, just a repack of the 6 stories I pulled from Dowman Sayman's KAEDE, in one DL link.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Instructor of Junior Class B and Hung Like a Horse: Futanari Gym Teacher Morita Ritsuko

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Futanari, Body Mod, Explicit Sexual Content)

 Hahaha, oh how words fail me.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tower Girls Party (Witch Craft Works)

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non H)

Leave it to Dowman to show up to an h-doujin with completely non-h material.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Sweetie Todd

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

And that's all the KAEDE I do!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Unrelenting Force

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

More KAEDE by Dowman Sayman.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Garbage Pile Elegy

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

No, that's not Elena and this isn't Voynich Hotel. :_:


Saturday, November 3, 2012


oh the horror!!
• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

The first straight-up H translation I've done in a while, I guess. First straight-up H dialogue I've translated in a while, too... *sigh*

Left hand picture aside, not a bad kemomimi book, if you're into that kinda thing.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ayame and Amane, 2012-05

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non-H)

Sure there isn't, Chiho, suuuuuuure there isn't.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ayame and Amane, 2012-09

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non-H)

2 more pages of Ayame and Amane.
So now the pages from issues

2010 - 05, 07, 08, 11
2011 - 01, 03, 05, 10
2012 - 01, 07, 09

have been translated.  Does anyone have/know of scans of Megastore H that have more?


Saturday, October 20, 2012

[repack] Blade Play, volume 01

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

The complete volume 01 of Aomaru Seta's Blade Play.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 08

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

And that's volume 01. Repack will be up soon.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oddman 11, chp. 07

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non-H)

Chp. 6
Chp. 5
Chp. 4
Chp. 3
Chp. 1 + 2

Man, is it just me, or does it seem like forever ago since the last Oddman 11 chapter? Yeah.

Dowman is still making me look forward to every issue of Hotmilk solely for the only 8 pages in it that don't have teh hawt sexx0rz. Hmm...

Also, completely unrelated, but I just saw Cabin in the Woods. Why didn't anyone tell me how awesome this beast is!? If you haven't seen it, do it. Fresh and unique take, self-aware, and supah neato. If you like how Dowman takes cliches and then turns them upside down , you're going to enjoy it. (Murdercorn, you are my hero.)

Anyone know any movies that come close to this level of ffffffffffreshness!? Any other movies as Dowman-ish? Please tell me if you do.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

[News] I'm a Year Old

So, it turns out my first translation post (Note: H) was exactly a year ago. What do you know.
Well, hope some of you out there have enjoyed a few of the posts I've made these past 366 days.

Here's to 366 more!! (?)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 07

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

This was supposed to be up yesterday. But I didn't have internet. I'll pack all the chapters together when we're done with vol. 01!!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The King and I

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Nothing to do with the musical.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 06

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

After this, 2 more chapters for Vol. 01 left.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 05

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Thanks to everyone who e-mailed lately concerning commissions, but I won't be able to take any for a while. When I'm taking them again, I'll update the COMMISSION page to say so.

I'm still open to Dowman stuff though, if anyone's got it.

Also, Blade Play.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 04

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Updates will probably be sparse for a while. That said, here's some B-B-B-Blade Play!


Sunday, September 16, 2012


• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Robots and Love.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

...And then they made me their chief!!


Monday, September 10, 2012

[Repack] The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War [complete]

• Link: [Mega]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

This is Dowman's The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War,

an anthology of 31 crazy, bizzare, twisted, comedic, tragic, heartfelt, and sex-filled short stories.

You will laugh. You will cry. You will WTF.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Three Succubus Sisters

• Link: [4dawgz]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Okay, this is more like it. Hroz, doing what he does best.
This time not one, not two, but three succubi in one comic.

Editing by the fantastic 4dawgz!


Spider Girl Go-Go

• Link: [4dawgz]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content) 

It's Hroz, but... it's not a succubus!?
I see it, but I still don't believe it!!

Editing by the fantastic 4dawgz!


Cat Office (Kenji Miyazawa)

This is the original story by Kenji Miyazawa that Dowman Sayman parodied in this manga.

If you were wondering, yes, the random sex and devouring of cats was just Dowman's idea. The actual story is much more all-ages friendly than that.

Hit the [info] link to read!!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 02

Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

Like the title says!!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cat Office

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

It's all the cat office worker you could ever want, right here in The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War!!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The People in the XXX Gallery

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Still at that The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

"If I cut the right wire, it'll be disarmed, but if I guess wrong..."

Just another day in The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War.


Monday, September 3, 2012

High Fever Gremio

• Link: [MediaFire]

Let's do this The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War thing.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Swing Bitches

• Link: [MediaFire]

Another from The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Love Spell

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)

Man, everytime I think I'm done with The End of Sexual Instinct and the Hydrogen Bomb War, I end up coming back to it...


Friday, August 31, 2012

Blade Play, chp. 01

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Sexual Content)

There seems to be a lot of sex in this comic. No actual depiction of genetalia, though. But there's breasts...?
