Friday, June 8, 2012

Oddman 11, chp. 05

• Link: [MediaFire]
(Note: Non-H)

Chapter 04 is here.
Chapter 03 here.
And chapter 01 and 02 are here.

More Oddman 11! So, there was a pretty unavoidable culture-gap in this one. Tsutaya is a pretty big entertainment retail chain in Japan. They'll also let you sign up for a "T-Card" to save up points from transactions. Just so you know.
I don't like translations that require explanations, but sometimes they're unavoidable!

Shiraishi is tops blooby! Totally.

Title: Oddman 11 「オッドマン11」
Artist: Dowman Sayman 「道満晴明」
Published in: Comic Hotmilk、2012-07 「コミックホットミルク」