(Note: Explicit Sexual Content)
More older Dowman stuff.
But more importantly, Voynich 02 comes out this month, Feb. 20th. So does Nickeloden [Green], on the same day.
Color me excited.
So, I dunno how I missed it, but apparently Dowman also did a Final Fantasy Tactics A2 doujin way back in '08 with a viera and a gria. On bangaa. Let me repeat: Dowman, viera, gria. Does it get any better?
Sadly, I've yet to find any traces of it. Does anyone know anything about it!?
Oh, and we made it to 500k hits!
Title: ESES
Artist: Dowman Sayman 「道漫晴明」
Published in: Kujira 「くぢら」